iQ&A interactive Medical Intelligence Zone welcomes your questions and your participation in the iQ&A community.
Course Videos
Can you summarize how, when, and whom you utilize NIPT in your own practice?
Can you summarize how, when, and whom you utilize NIPT in your own practice?
Is NIPT appropriate for pregnant women who are at average risk for chromosomal abnormalities? Please explain the pros and cons.
What are some of the possible causes of false positive results, and how does the SNP method aid the physician in ruling out maternal sex chromosome mosaicism abnormalities?
How does SNP-based technology compare with the counting method when you are utilizing cffDNA to identify women at risk for carrying microdeletion syndromes?
What are microdeletions and what is the rationale for offering screening for microdeletions using NIPT? Which microdeletions are of special importance?
Is it appropriate to offer NIPT to a patient with a known vanished twin?
Is it appropriate to offer NIPT to a patient with a known vanished twin?
How often do you see incorrect fetal sex results with NIPT?
How often do you see incorrect fetal sex results with NIPT?
Physicians frequently encounter false positives for monosomy X with NIPT. What is the reason for this finding?
We hear a lot about depth of read from various laboratories. Is depth of read more important that fetal fraction? Please explain.
What is the likelihood that a patient with a low fetal fraction result is able to obtain a result on repeat draw?
Are patients with a low fetal fraction at increased risk for aneuploidy? If so, why?
Are patients with a low fetal fraction at increased risk for aneuploidy? If so, why?
In your view, how should the MFM specialist or OB-GYN follow for each of the following results obtained as part of NIPT: (1) no result, no redraw recommended; (2) no result, redraw recommended; high risk; low risk; other?