What role do the following play in identifying high-risk RA patients, and what are the implications of stratifying patients using these markers: Disease duration? High titer of RF? Elevated CCP? Sustained elevations of CRP or ESR? High number of swollen/tender joints?

What role do the following play in identifying high-risk RA patients, and what are the implications of stratifying patients using these markers: Disease duration? High titer of RF? Elevated CCP? Sustained elevations of CRP or ESR? High number of swollen/tender joints?

What role do the following factors play in identifying high-risk patients with RA, and what are the clinical implications of stratifying patients using these biological or clinical markers? Disease duration? High titer of RF? Elevated CCP? Sustained elevations of CRP or ESR? High number of swollen/tender joints?

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Professor Tom Huizinga, MD, PhD

Professor Tom Huizinga, MD, PhD

Head, Department of Rheumatology
Leiden University Medical Center
Leiden, The Netherlands