How do technology platforms --from hot spot panels to FoundationOne--for characterizing molecular drivers differ; and why do NGS-based hybrid capture platforms offer the most reproducible and actionable results?

How do technology platforms --from hot spot panels to FoundationOne--for characterizing molecular drivers differ; and why do NGS-based hybrid capture platforms offer the most reproducible and actionable results?

How do the different technology platforms —from hot spot panels to FoundationOne—for characterizing molecular drivers differ; and why do NGS-based hybrid capture platforms offer the most reproducible and actionable results?

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CMEducation Resources IQ&A Interactive Intelligence Zone


Lia Tsimberidou, MD, PhD

Lia Tsimberidou, MD, PhD

Tenured Associate Professor
Department of Investigational Cancer Therapeutics
Division of Cancer Medicine
The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
Houston, TX