Can you bring genomic profiling down to the oncologist-patient level and explain what a FoundationOne Report is, how long it takes to generate, and what the translational value is?

Can you bring genomic profiling down to the oncologist-patient level and explain what a FoundationOne Report is, how long it takes to generate, and what the translational value is?

Can you bring comprehensive genomic profiling down to the oncologist-cancer patient level and explain what a FoundationOne Report looks like, what information it contains, how long it takes to generate a report and what the translational value of this analysis is? And what was your experience using the hybrid capture-based, FoundationOne NGS profiling platform within the context of clinical trials?

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Professor Nir Peled, MD, PhD, FCCP

Professor Nir Peled, MD, PhD, FCCP

Pulmonologist and Medical Oncologist
Thoracic Cancer Unit
Davidoff Cancer Center
Tiqwa, Israel