Are there any specific patient profiles in RA or biomarker signatures that would suggest that a patient might respond better to one biologic DMARD and MOA -- including IL-6 inhibition -- versus another?

Are there any specific patient profiles in RA or biomarker signatures that would suggest that a patient might respond better to one biologic DMARD and MOA -- including IL-6 inhibition -- versus another?

Are there any specific patient profiles in RA or biomarker signatures that would suggest that an individual patient might respond better to one biologic DMARD and MOA — including IL-6 inhibition — versus another?

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CMEducation Resources IQ&A Interactive Intelligence Zone


Roy Fleischmann, MD

Roy Fleischmann, MD

Clinical Professor of Medicine
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas
Co-Director, Division of Rheumatology
Texas Health Presbyterian Medical Center and Co-Medical Director
Metroplex Clinical Research Center