Prof. Christian Marth, MD, PhD [7505]

In what kind of tumors have studies confirmed improved survival using molecular marker-targeted therapy? (German)

In what kind of tumors have studies confirmed improved survival using molecular marker-targeted therapy? (German)

In what ways is NGS-based genomic profiling changing our fundamental approaches to cancer treatment? (German)

In what ways is NGS-based genomic profiling changing our fundamental approaches to cancer treatment? (German)

Why is comprehensive characterization of genomic alterations that defines an individual patient’s tumor useful for oncologists and pathologists to guide optimal therapeutic strategies? (German)

Why is comprehensive characterization of genomic alterations that defines an individual patient’s tumor useful for oncologists and pathologists to guide optimal therapeutic strategies? (German)

What percentage of HER2 amplifications are not detectable by current tests? (German)

What percentage of HER2 amplifications are not detectable by current tests? (German)

Can targeted therapies based on NGS-based genomic alterations be employed after a patient has failed first-line therapy? Are targeted therapies late in a disease as successful as at time of presentation? (German)

Can targeted therapies based on NGS?based genomic alterations still be employed even after a patient has failed a first?line therapy? Are targeted therapies late in the natural history of a patient’s disease as successful as using mutation?based ...

Is there a rationale for longitudinal NGS-based testing for genomic alterations? (German)

Is there a rationale for longitudinal NGS-based testing for genomic alterations? (German)